Good afternoon Greens customers,
Today we’re discussing how important foliage (greenery) is to florists all around the world. Flowers literally do not work without foliage and we honestly could not live without it!
We include foliage in absolutely everything we create, unless of course the customer requests no foliage. Here at the shop we try to incorporate foliage in our arrangements as another flower rather than an accessory to the flowers! And with foliage costing just as much as flowers do these days we have to use it this way.
So all in all we say that foliage is probably the most essential thing to have in abundance! I have attached some images of the foliage’s we couldn’t live without here. We use everything from your standard leather leaf and salal to eucalyptus and long and short ruscus and more exotic greens like aspidistra leaves and tropical palm leaves.
That’s it from us today, take care!
Greens x